
Home Tricks

* While washing silk sarees add a little lemon juice. The color won't fade and it will give a glossy finish.

* To remove the marks in furniture's, scratch with the paste made from ash of cigar and vinegar.

* Cleaning the furniture with shoe polish will lend an excellent sheen to it

* The furniture becomes more bright and shiny if it is cleaned with the cloth dipped in strong tea.

* Apply some wax or soap on the sides of the drawer for easy movement.

* The furniture becomes more shiny if it is cleaned with mixture of olive oil and vinegar.

* The gold will become more brighter if it is cleaned in pumpkin juice.

* To remove the stain of wine from cloth clean that portion with the cloth dipped in soda.

* To remove the stain of henna from the cloth, dip the cloth in warm milk for half
an hour and wash with soap.

* To remove ink stain from clothes, rub the area with a cotton bud soaked in eau-de-cologne.

* While mopping the floor add two teaspoons of salt to the water to keep flies at bay.

* To remove stains from utensils, add bleaching powder in a tub of water and dip the utensils before washing with detergent.

* Used mosquito mats is an excellent blotting agent.

* To keep a vacuum flask clean and odour free, fill up half the flask with vinegar, hot water and pieces of egg shell.

* If two stamps stick together, keep it in a freezer for some time and peal them out.

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